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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Should Auld Acquaintance be Forgot...

2012 was quite a year, huh?  For me, it was the year that my God was the central focus of my life.  My life has had it's ups and downs, with both challenges and joys nearly every day.  My family was my other priority and where I spent the vast majority of my time and energy.  Finally, each one of you, my extended family and friends who have been reading the words I have written this year on facebook, in my books or on my blog; I have attempted to give you a glimpse into my mind.  I pray that I have made you think, laugh, cry or maybe even consider your place in relation to God.  As we look forward to the year to come, I pray that we do so in hope, ready to accept the sunny days and weather the dark, stormy clouds that we are certain to face.  In this world, we will have trouble, but there is one who has overcome the world.  Now to you, 2012; I bid you farewell.

In His Love and Peace;

Kenny R Brown